Well, after we got the spaghetti cleaned off the wall in the living room - that stuff can fly - we discovered that Sparky had parked so hard at the fire department that he was feeling pretty dizzy, so they called the paramedics who had a really nice girl paramedic with them who cuddled him and brought his blood pressure down. While they were here, one of them also took a look at Bing's sore throat and prescribed ice cream. Since it might be contagious, we are all taking preventative treatments. Since the firemen and paramedics were exposed they joined us and we all ordered six yogurt pizzas from Bogart's - it's a new thing out here. After we ate, most of us sat down to watch some TV but a couple of the fire guys took Sparky and Knute on a tour of fire hydrants. Got to go . . . . Stay calm . . . . stay calm.....